Md Rafiul Islam Tapu
Member Since: 15 Oct, 2021
Last Login: 2 years ago
004 Total Views
: 1013926
: Md Rafiul Islam Tapu
: Male
: Dhaka University
Background medium
: Bangla Medium
: Leather Engineering
: Bsc. In Leather Products Engineering, 3rd semester
Present Location
: Kudrat E khuda hostel, Hazaribagh
Permanent Address
: Raozan, Chittagong
Tuition Information
Current Status for Tuition
: Available
Expected Minimum Salary : 6000 tk/month
Days per week : 3 Days/Week
Preferred Medium Of Education : Bangla Medium
Preferred Tuition Time : evening, After Magrib
Preferred Tutoring Style : Group Tuition, Private Tuition
Preferred Classes : Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV, Class V, Class VI, Class VII, Class VIII, Class IX, S.S.C
Preferred Subjects : Math, ICT, Chemistry, Higher Math, CAD And Graphics Design
Preferred Areas to Teach : Dhaka ,
Azimpur, Dhanmondi, Hazaribag, Kalabagan, Lalbag, Mohammadpur, New Market, Zigatola

Educational Qualification

Exam Name Year Institute Group/Subject Result
S.S.C 2017 CUET school and College Science 5.00
H.S.C 2019 CUET school and College Science 4.92
Honours 3rd Semester University of Dhaka Bsc. in Leather Products Engineering
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